Nowadays, laminate flooring is a cost-effective and attractive option for your home design. The way you maintain and treat laminate floors is so important to keep them looking great for years. While your laminate floors may look as good as hardwood floors, that does not mean you should clean them the same way. Laminate floors need special care because, unlike hardwood, the surface can not just be refinished in the case of stains or damage. Here are some best ways to clean laminate floors:
1) Cleaning Laminate Floor Regularly:
- Sweep the laminate floor every few days to remove everyday dirt.
- Then Clean up spills immediately with a dry cloth.
- If you need more cleaning power for deep cleaning, Use vinegar or a mild detergent.
2) Cleaning Laminate Floors with Hot Water:
- Fill a bucket with hot water.
- Soak and wring out a mop.
- Give the flooring a thorough mopping.
- Dry the flooring.
3) Cleaning Laminate Floors with Vinegar:
- Create a dilution of vinegar and water.
- Spray the dilution onto the laminate.
- Wipe the dilution up with a damp or cloth.
- Dry the laminate.
Remember, vinegar is highly acidic and can break down the laminate surface when used in high concentration over time.
4) Cleaning Laminate Floor With Gentle Soaps:
- Fill a bucket with hot water.
- Add a mild detergent or baby shampoo.
- Soap and wring out a mop.
- Swipe the floor from one side to the other.
- Dry the laminate.
5) Removing Problem Stains :
- Blood: Clean bloodstains with window cleaner, then wipe with a damp cloth.
- Candle Wax: Scraping the hardened gum off with a plastic knife. Never use a metal knife.
- Chewing gum: Freeze the glob with a plastic bag of ice before scraping the hardened gum off with a plastic knife. Again, do not use a metal knife.
- Heel or other shoe scuff marks: remove by rubbing with a pencil eraser.
- Ink and crayon: remove with rubbing alcohol.
- Nail polish: remove with rubbing alcohol or a tiny bit of nail polish remover.
- Red wine: wipe off red wine with a damp cloth.
- Shoe polish: remove with rubbing alcohol.
“ Don’ts” about Laminate Floor Cares:
- Never use steam cleaners or wet mops.
- Never use soap, water, oil-soap detergent, or any other liquid cleaning product.
- Never use steel wood, abrasive cleaners, or any strong type cleaners.
- Never use any buffing or polishing machine on your laminate floors.
- Never use steam cleaners.
- Never use products that promote a shine.
- Never try to slide heavy objects across the floor.
“Dos” about Laminate Floor Cares:
- Do mop your laminate floor every two months carefully.
- Do skip cleaning products that are not labeled as made for laminate.
- Always protect the surface from future damage.
- Do trim your pet’s nails or prevent them from scratching the floor.
- Do follow the manufacturer’s care instructions for the new laminate floor.
- Do contact the manufacturer for a guide.
- Always use an entry map to collect dirt, sand, grit, and other substances that might otherwise be tracked onto your floors.
- Always use a protective mat for furniture with castors.
Laminate floors can not be refinished and are difficult to repair. If laminates get outwear, they will have to be replaced, so it’s worth your time and energy to keep your laminate flooring clean and away from damage and moisture.
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– How to clean laminate floors. From https://shawfloors.com/
– Fazio, E. How to clean laminate floors. HGTV. https://www.hgtv.com/lifestyle/clean-and-organize/what-clean-laminate-floors-with
– Driscoll, M. (2020, November 18). How to clean laminate floors. Wiki how. https://www.wikihow.com/Clean-Laminate-Floors
– Marple, K. (2020, December 4). The best way to clean laminate floors to protect its shiny finish. BHG.https://www.bhg.com/homekeeping/house-cleaning/surface/how-to-clean-laminate-floors/
– Kellogg, K. (2020. April 2). How to clean laminate floors: 11 Do’s and Don’ts. Architectural digest. https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/how-to-clean-laminate-floors
- By: Flooring America
- Category: Laminate Flooring
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