There are five main types of hardwood floors. They are: vinyl, laminate, parquet, solid and engineered hardwood flooring. Laminate and vinyl are the most popular in America’s flooring store. Laminate has a beautiful wood-look and these particular specification. It is
- looking like solid hardwood but very more budget-friendly
- easy to perform it by yourself as pieces simply click into place: no glue, no nail, and no mess!
- not easily scratching
- fast repairing even you can replace just one plank
- possible to install over concrete or many more hard surfaces
- with minimum allergens
To find the difference between laminate and hardwood flooring please watch this video.
Check to make sure the hardwood flooring for your home comes from sustainably harvested forests.
Laminate wood flooring installation for an affordable home makeover
Installing laminate flooring is relatively easy and a dry installation. A laminate floor is installed using a floating floor method which isn’t attached to subfloor or underlayment. Laminate installation is more or less just like putting a gian puzzle together. It doesn’t need to spend more than a day to finish most of the room and can be walked on the same day.
Which one do you prefer: have laminate flooring installed or do it yourself?
You can perform it by yourself if you:
- want to work at your own pace
- have handy tools or decide to buy ones
- wish to save money on flooring installation
- consider details like the direction of the grain
- need to inspire your inner lumberjack!
Hire an expert to install if
- labor work is not “your thing.”
- you prefer to wing it instead of reading the instruction
- using the tools is not yours
- cutting planks is hard for you
- you are hoping even your dog could help
If you decide to DIY, follow the below instructions:
– Prepare everything before start to install
Step 1: Make sure you have all required tools:
- Safety glasses
- Gloves
- Penci
- Underlayment
- Finishing putty
- Wood glue(silicone sealant)
- Tape measure
- Felt furniture pads
- Dust mask
- Coordinating moldings
- Vapor barrier (for installation over concrete floors)
- Circular and oscillating saw
- Tapping block&5mm spacer
- Level
- Moisture meter
- Knee pads
- Utility knife
- Hammer
Click here to buy each of these tools!
Step 2: Read the Instructions
Before starting to work, read the instructions that the manufacturer prepares. At least 48 hours before installation, put the unopened boxes of laminate planks in the room where you want to install them. Let them acclimate to the temperature and humidity.
Step3: Prepare the area
Before beginning, ensure that your subfloor is ready to install. The base floor should be solid, clean, level, and smooth.
Step4: Make sure your subfloor is level
Actually, each smooth surface that you see is consist of four different layers:
1) Joist
2) Subfloor
3) Underlayment
4) Floor covering
The starting point ensures that underlying joists are relatively flat and level. Use a level to check the level of your subfloor. Watch how to level a floor.
Step5: Prepare the door jambs
Take a section of underlayment and a piece of laminate and lay it finished side down next to the door frame to undercut the door frame and get the cut’s height. Trace a guideline along the surface of the frame with a pencil. Now cut along your guideline with an oscillating saw.
Step6: Underlayment Installation
Flooring manufacturers usually recommend putting down underlayment or vapor barrier before laying laminate flooring. Some types of underlayment are designed to serve as a moisture barrier. Some flooring comes with a pre-installed underlayment on the planks, so check it according to the manufacturer’s instructions for the product you’re using.
Step7: Put spacer around the perimeter of the wall
To provide an expansion gap, with:
- Put laminate floor spacers around the perimeter of the wall.
- Use a plank as a guide to ensure the spacers are close enough to provide the correct gap around the perimeter of the room.
- Tape the spacers to the baseboards to prevent them from moving around during installation.
- Check your manufacturer’s instructions on what size spacers to use. (How to Install Laminate Flooring https://www.homedepot.com/ c/ah/how-to-install-laminate-flooring/9ba683603be9fa5395fab903249c06a)
Step8: Measure the square footage of the room
you need to know the amount of flooring you will require, so it is necessary to measure the room’s width by the length, then add 10% more to account for any waste or mistakes. Floor Calculator also can help you to estimate needed laminate per square footage.
– Installation
- Install flooring parallel to the longest wall in the room. Trim off the tongues (not the grooves) from the boards that will edge the first wall. Usually, you can easily use a sharp utility knife or circular saw, or even table saw. It would be the best if you lay down the first row and continue your desired template. Please Blend planks from various boxes to ensure a mixture of shades and colors.
- When you reach your desirable layout, cut the tongue off the long side of the pieces. If you require to fit a piece in the corner against the spacer, cut the tongue off the piece’s short side. While cutting, don’t forget safety glasses and a dust mask.
- You should Layout the second row, before finishing the first-row tongue-side toward the wall again.
Don’t forget the required offset (6 inches) to avoid H joint. Now cut the planks to length as you need. Keep the trimmed section as they are usable to start other rows.
- Use an alternating pattern by staggering the planks in a double row at the same time.
- When installing the planks, use an alternating pattern by staggering the planks, going two rows at a time.
- Similarly, join the short end first for the next two planks. To close the gap on the long side, lift the outside of the plank’s edge about an inch, and push in firmly until the edges meet. Then rotate down to lock. You could place a whole box of planks or any heavy box across the end of the row being installed to avoid any movement.
- Use a tapping block and hammer to gently tap along the long side to close the joint, considering 8 inches from the plank’s end. Move to the short side and, again, gently tap it so you don’t damage the flooring.
It would help if you cut the pieces to fit for the last row. To measure the required width, subtract the expansion gap, and cut lengthwise. Be aware that some flooring products may have a small plastic tongue in the planks’ short side groove to help lock pieces together. Before Cutting be sure that you removed the plastic tongue.
- Insert the tongue into the long side, align the short side, then use a pull bar and hammer to lock the last row in place and tap the short side closed.
- Slide the plank at least 1/4 inch under the door frame while installing around a doorway and leave a concealed 3/8-inch expansion gap. Next, with your tapping block or pull bar, tap the long side closed first, then tap the short side closed.
– Finishing
- Remove all spacers from around the room.
- Fill the expansion gaps with a compressible PE 3/8-inch foam backer rod, for wall-to-wall waterproof protection.
- Apply a thin coating of 100% silicone sealant over the backer rod Make sure the silicone connects from the edge of the floor to the wall.
For tips on applying caulk and sealant watch How Do I Use Caulk?
- Install any baseboards, trim, and shoe molding to the walls, and be sure not to drive any nails into your new floor.
If you need any help for installing a laminate floor just click on our webpage’s top right and schedule for a consultation!
– How to Install Laminate Wood Flooring for an Affordable Home Makeover
– The difference between hardwood and laminate
– Engineered Wood Flooring vs Different Types
– How to Install Laminate and Hardwood Flooring: PERGO® Flooring
– How to Install Laminate Flooring
– Learn How to Install Laminate Flooring Yourself
- By: Flooring America
- Category: Flooring, Laminate Flooring
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